Review of Monsters

Blade: The Series: Monsters (2006)
Season 1, Episode 11
The beginning of the end.
3 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Blade: The Series: Monsters starts as the bomb given to the pureblood Vampire Charlotte (Emily Hirst) by Chase (Jessica Gower) on behalf of turnblood Marcus (Neil Jackson) explodes in mid air on her jet, they just about survive the crash & two unlucky campers provide fresh blood... Krista (Jill Wagner) informs Blade (Sticky Fingaz) & his sidekick Shen (Nelson Lee) who with the help of ex-FBI agent Ray Collins (Larry Poindexter) locate the jet's wreckage, in an attempt to salvage some information Blade searches the wreck & discovers Charlotte has found her way to a nearby town...

This was episode 11 from season 1 of the made-for-TV Blade: The Series, directed by Ken Girotti you will probably get more out of Monsters if you have prior knowledge of the series. The script by Daniel Truly is starting to wrap the series up, Marcus's plan is reaching it's final stages with his attempt to kill Charlotte, Blade is getting closer to him & other such factors. This is definitely not a good episode to jump into the series with. The action levels are pretty low during this one & it's rather talky, it's an OK watch but I doubt I'd be in any hurry to see it again.

This looks pretty good considering the budget was probably low, the average fights & action scenes simply can't compare to the films & left me distinctly unmoved. Forget about any gore in this one as there isn't any.

Monsters is alright but it isn't brilliant, worth a watch if your a fan but don't expect too much.
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