Easter Yeggs (1947)
of course rabbits want to know how to multiply; that's why they're associated with Easter
1 April 2007
This time, Bugs Bunny substitutes for the infirm Easter Bunny, only to deliver eggs to a malevolent infant - named the Dead End Kid - and then to Elmer Fudd (who plans to make Easter Bunny stew). I noticed that at the beginning of "Easter Yeggs", Bugs is reading a book called "How to Multiply". No doubt that refers to one of the traits most associated with leporids*: having lots of offspring very quickly. In fact, rabbits' extreme fertility is precisely why they're associated with Easter: Easter is one of the major holidays in spring, which of course is associated with rebirth.

But I digress. I didn't think that this was the greatest Bugs Bunny cartoon, but it's still a pretty funny one. I kinda predicted what was going to happen with the log, but that didn't really weaken the cartoon.

*Leporids are rabbits and hares. The family is called Leporidae.
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