Harsh Times (2005)
are these out takes from the worst acting ever
31 March 2007
Oh MY GOD...the first five minutes made Barney look like a subtle performance. Christian Bale is absolutely unbelievable in any way shape or form.. his violence LOOKS and reeks of contrived Catholic-school boy playing "badass" and having worked on a project that has introduced me to people like him AND mercenaries, this is by far the most painful imitation of hard ass I have ever seen. I literally cringed he is so awful. The supporting Mexican actors in this FEEL like real life and I'm drawn in by them... and then this overinflated caricature comes in and totally casts a false and pretentious undertone. There are some people who shouldn't PLAY bad ... and maybe what underlines how fake an unbelievable he is, all of the supporting cast are great.

LAME. The story probably merits worth far and beyond this embarrassing performance. He whispers his Spanish in the opening since it sounds so horrible and badly pronounces... like heavy breathing and brow furrowing can mask an actor OUT of his range... horrible horrible and if you want a GOOD performance that makes it, watch Mark Wahlberg in Shooter. Christian should play kid talk show hosts before this role.
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