Popeye the Sailor: Hits and Missiles (1960)
Season 1, Episode 1
Wild Start To The 1960s Popeye
30 March 2007
Popeye, Olive Oyl and Wimpy are standing at the bottom the stairs leading up to a rocket ship when a bearded scientist-type tells them this rocket will be the first to land a man on the moon "where we intend to find out if there are any inhabitants."

What would you call the inhabitants on the moon? Luna-tics! Ha ha.," laughs Popeye. The scientist gives them a tour. Wimpy, meanwhile, has a tiny grill on top of his head, so he can cook hamburgers! While Popeye and Olive get a taste of weightlessness, Wimpy goes exploring and finds some "instant food." Olive goes looking for him. Wimpy is cooking bacon and eggs on his head and the eggs fly out and land on Olive's eyes. She staggers backwards and hits a switch that makes the rocket blast off.

Yup, only in cartoons can these crazy things happen...all within minutes, too! The rest of the animated is the adventure to the moon for our three heroes. It's filled with funny dialog, very corny jokes and fun, outrageous visuals. By the way, who remembers that they used to say the moon was made out of a cheese? I had forgotten, until watching this cartoon when Popeye rescues a cracker and goes up against "The Big Cheese." (I told you this was wild.)
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