Angel: Birthday (2002)
Season 3, Episode 11
I'm fine you guys. I'll be okay. I'm just... Dead?
27 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm fine you guys. I'll be okay. I'm just... Dead? - One of 'Cordelia's best centric episode, honestly, it's tough to chose between 'Birthday', 'Slouching Towards Bethlehem', 'Billy' and 'You're Welcome' as I pretty much love them equally. When it comes to the dialog this one is probably the least memorable but then again, it's the most character developing one. 'Cordelia' has another vision only this one knocks her out of her own body, then she meets 'Skip' who gives her the choice between dying or becoming a very popular movie star, as she always wanted to. The old 'Cordelia' would have chosen the movie star life without hesitating, but mature 'Cordy' was trouble choosing until she overheard 'Angel' calling her weak. I am a very huge fan of alternative realities, in this one 'Cordy' is a HUGE star, has her own show called 'Cordy!' (what are the odds?), in that reality 'Wesley' is a lot more hardcore and lost an arm and 'Angel' has gone insane as he now carries the visions (did he have to make out with 'Doyle' or what?) the whole blue room scene has to be one of my favorites of the show, the color was beautiful and so was her kiss that absorbed 'Angel's visions back into her. The whole episode is amazing, 'Cordy' becomes part demon and begins to float when she gets another vision. The show should have made more alternative reality-episodes like this one! SKIP: This is Tammy. She had the visions back in sixteen thirty? TAMMY: Aye. Had 'em well neigh on a year, and a hellish year it was, too. Town fathers called me a witch, wanted to burn me at the stake. CORDELIA: They killed you because you had visions? TAMMY: No, miss. They didn't have to. Last vision I had blew out the back of me skull. We wasn't mean to have the visions, us humans. Look, you want my advice, you listen to our man Skip here. He won't steer you wrong, this one. SKIP: Aw, get out of here. Really. Get out. I've got work. (10 out of 10)
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