It's impossible to deny the visual proof
22 March 2007
I recently read that the "Rape of the Soul" transcript was acquired by the Academy's library for its permanent collection. Disbelieving, I searched it on Oscars.org and there it is. That's more than enough for me, and after seeing it, I can see why. It is professionally made, and it's not just someone taking a position, but there is visual proof that simply can't be denied.

As a secular Jew originally from the US, the educational factor of the film is priceless. – And I don't think that it can be considered Catholic bashing at all.

It's an art film, and you can't help but be astonished. Proof that we are always learning, no matter how old we are or where we are.

Dr. Judith Reisman is particularly excellent, and the almost too calm and cool Michael A. Calace is superbly convincing. They recognize that they have a factual story with clear visual evidence and then it is presented and proved over and over again. To discuss such hellishness and sex with aplomb is a testament to honesty.

Society has been penetrated by deception in everything, even historical and contemporary art.
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