Review of TMNT

TMNT (2007)
Not Bad At All
26 March 2007
Seeing as I had no choice in seeing TMNT this weekend, I will say that I was pleasantly surprised to find myself not repulsed by the movie. It was lame, it was hokey and the jokes were targeted toward younger people (fortunate seeing as I went with my seven and five year old cousins) but it was well done and definitely entertaining. The pace was a good one, the story was interesting but not so complex as to lose the target audience. The actions sequences were cheesy, but what is to be expected in a movie called 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'? As a Sarah Michelle Gellar fan I was glad to see something recent of hers that I am not ashamed of, and happy that this film will definitely be a favorite of many kids, as well as it already acquiring a bit of a cult following in high school students.

I give it a 7 out of 10 because while it is by no means a perfect movie, it certainly keeps you interested from start 'til finish.
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