Acts like its profound but never goes anywhere
24 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was not impressed.

Rene is a Knight Templar (a warrior monk) who is wandering in the desert after surviving the battle of Hattin in which most of the Crusaders were killed. He meets a Muslim named Hassan, they end up saving each other's lives, they become buddies to the point where they at least wont kill each other. Rene is a humorless, religious fellow, prone to mumbled, barely intelligible voiceovers about God and stuff. Supposedly Hassan is an Assassin, who were a group of brainwashed violent fanatics, yet in the movie he just seems like a totally reasonable regular guy, much smarter than the humorless, oxlike Frenchman. They meet a Muslim widow who is kinda hot and has a not-very-good imitation of an Arab accent. What is the woman doing permanently out in the desert? She keeps no animals, doesn't grow anything, what does she do for a living? They spend most of the movie hanging out around her tent and demonstrating trite lessons about how religious fanaticism and hatred are bad. The woman tries to tempt Rene away from his crazy religious vows, so to remove the temptation he offs her at the end in a way that seems abrupt and not believable. His character never really develops into anything more than a cardboard dumb dirty guy who's nuts. The whole thing seems like a pointless exercise in verbose pretentiousness.

And another thing- there's a scene where Hassan hands Rene some soap, and he tries to eat it. I'm sorry, Europeans of that time period may have been a bit sketchy about personal hygiene, but they did have soap, and they used it.
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