24 March 2007
There are so many bad things about this movie, I don't have the time to list all of them: Incoherent plots (there were several at once), poor acting, boring storyline, and unappealing actors are but a few of the problems with this film. I hated all the characters. All the women in the film were treated as sub-human. The men were only after being king or killing the king. I wanted everyone to die at the end.

Oh, there's also no sorcerer in the movie, so don't expect magic.

One of the poor plot lines had to do with a woman trading sex to save her brother. This was the heroes payment for helping out. I know some of the people reading this will go, "Alright, we get to see gratuitous sex!" Before I get some of your hopes up, let me say that there is no sex in the film. There are a few bare-chested women shown very shortly in one scene. There are hints at a brothel, but all the men have their pants on. There's little eye-candy for anyone.

The setting was a combination of the desert, forest and the tropics. Everything was mixed up with camels and pine trees.

The worst were the fight scenes. They had music that sounded like it was from a Lassie movie dubbed over slow-motion scenes with nothing spectacular happening in them. Most people died one of two ways:

1) Men held their sword over their head while another man whacked them in the stomach.


2) Men would walk into or over a wall and die out of their own stupidity.

If you like epic battle movies, go see 300. If you want to see a really bad, slapstick, Viking movie go rent Eric the Viking (it's really good to heckle).

Even watching The Sword and the Sorcerer with some drunk friends didn't help it (I wasn't drunk, but even my drunk friends thought it was terrible). We thought it would be a good heckle-fest, but sadly, it failed. Ninja Squad and The Covenent are better for this.

There are some very gory scenes in The Sword and the Sorcerer which some might enjoy. That's the only reason, I'm giving it two stars instead of one. Rent at your own risk.
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