Out for Blood (2004 Video)
What am I supposed to say?
23 March 2007
I missed how excited I used to get when my parents would let me rent a movie, I would always run straight to the horror section, didn't matter wither or not if I heard of the film, I just had to see some kind of horror movie. Lately, that just hasn't happened, but I just wanted a cheesy and very over the top horror film, I guess you can say my tastes have officially grown, because this movie was beyond ridicules. I mean, to start with the acting, good Lord, these "actors", which the three main leads, I have seen before in films, I couldn't believe it. I mean what happened? Did they leave their talent in the car? I just don't know.

From what I gathered, this is a pretty simple plot: Dective who is very hot tempered and obsessed with his vampire loving ex wife, he is on a "stake" out... get it? Stake out? LOL... eh, for a girl who has been missing, he finds her very easily, she seduces him, but little does he know, she's a vampire! Oh, no! What will our hero do?! Well, he gets bitten and is about to become apart of the undead, with the "help" of his ex wife, can they stop the inevitable?

Oh, man, that is that plot that is so easy to laugh at, the funny thing I was watching the making of this movie and the actors said the script was good and suspenseful! LOL! Why is it I think they just needed a quick buck? Believe me when I say that you will very much understand what I mean if you come across this movie. It's very over the top and I think I just have to retire my love for the cheesy horror films, before I loose it.

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