17 March 2007
This movie is great, I've just seen it in the 22nd Mar del Plata Film Festival (Argentina).

It's slow, VERY slow --and now you are warned. But it has to be slow. This feeling of unpleasantness that the spectator can't avoid is what the movie tries to achieve by hyper-exaggerating every aspect of the consumist, individualist society in which we live.

The way how the "plot" develops is great: it's circular, it goes over and over the same thing, there's nothing beyond, it's not possible to go anywhere, it just seems like a magnificent disgusting photograph of what we choose to neglect everyday. It's a decadent vision of mankind: there seems to be no way out, just a bottomless (w)hole through which we inevitably fall.

Do not expect to have fun, not even to enjoy it. You will begin to enjoy what you've just seen when you are out of the theater thinking of it.
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