Tales from the Crypt: Easel Kill Ya (1991)
Season 3, Episode 8
An OK tale from the crypt.
18 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales from the Crypt: Easel Kill Ya starts with struggling artist Jack Craig (Tim Roth) who hasn't sold a painting in over a year having his latest collection of work rejected for exhibition, frustrated Jack has to change his style. One night he witnesses an accident in which one of his neighbours is killed, intrigued & fascinated he takes photo's & paints an abstract piece of art based on them & sells it to Malcolm Mayflower (William Atherton) a collector of morbid art who pays him a lot of money & Malcolm says there's plenty more if he can deliver more paintings. The temptation is too much for Jack to resist but he needs inspiration & ideas...

This Tales from the Crypt story was episode 8 from season 3, the first of two Tales from the Crypt episodes directed by John Harrison I thought Easel Kill Ya was an OK story but nothing special. The script by Larry Wilson was based on a story from 'The Vault of Horror' comic book & is a serious in tone horror tale that isn't the best Tales from the Crypt episode ever but it's alright & it's watchable enough. The expected twist at the end isn't particularly memorable & it's rather predictable plus the build up is a bit laboured & dull. There's not much fun here & the comic tone found in the best Tales from the Crypt episodes is sorely lacking. An average episode just as season 3 was getting really good.

The production design is good & it's well made, there's some gore here including a hammer stuck in someones head, someone is impaled on garden shears & someone has their head bashed in. It's not scary & feels more like a character study than anything else. The acting by Tim Roth saves this story as he puts in a good performance.

Easel Kill Ya isn't the best tale from the crypt but it's not the worst, it's OK but not one to bust a gut to see.
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