Tales from the Crypt: Three's a Crowd (1990)
Season 2, Episode 5
Decent tale from the crypt.
17 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tales from the Crypt: Three's a Crowd starts as the 10th wedding anniversary of Richard (Gavan O'Herlihy) & Della (Ruth de Sosa) is fast approaching, Alan (Paul Lieber) a rich friend has given them his beautiful holiday log cabin for a few days as a present. However Richard is insanely jealous & paranoid as Della only seems interested in spending time with the rich Alan rather than himself, Richard's suspicions are raised even more by Della & Alan's behaviour. That night Richard drinks like a fish & finally snaps...

This Tales from the Crypt story was episode 5 from season 2, directed by David Burton Morris I thought this was an average tale from the crypt that was watchable as most are but nothing special. The script by Kim Ketelsen & Annie Willette which was based on a comic book story in 'Shock SuspenStories' plays more like a marital drama for it's majority & is only really saved by the expected satisfying twist ending which is a good one if a bit predictable, Three's a Crowd has a very serious tone to it & doesn't have the dark comic feeling that many Tales from the Crypt episodes do. It's still a decent little story that's a perfectly entertaining way to pass 30 odd minutes.

This episode is pretty straight laced, there's no fancy visuals & it's a bit flat at times as it develops the character's & Richard's suspicions. There's not much gore, someone is shot with an arrow, someone is strangled & there's some blood splatter but it's fairly tame. The acting is alright from an unknown cast, to me anyway.

Three's a Crowd is an OK tale from the crypt, it's not the show's finest 30 odd minutes but it's watchable enough all the same.
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