The Prestige (2006)
deeper and deeper (it should have won many Oscars)
16 March 2007
At the beginning, this movie is like an anonymous box: you don't know what there's inside. So you open it, and what you find? Two boxes. Then you open those boxes, and find three more boxes. You go on opening and the only thing you find is more and more boxes. But, after all, aren't all the boxes part of the first one?

When you wake up in the morning, you look at yourself in the mirror in front of you. This movie adds another mirror, behind your back. And then the pictures of you in the mirror become more and more; you don't have to turn back. But, after all, aren't all the pictures showing just one face?

You've got a hundred-dollar bill in your wallet. This movie just turns it into five dollars'. Then into one's. And then into coins. But, after all, haven't you got one hundred dollars?

At the beginning this movie is simple, ordinary, like an anonymous box, like your picture in the mirror, like an hundred-dollar bill. But then the best of all the living directors, Christopher Nolan, adds one, then two, then three more little things, and everything becomes faster, darker, deeper. And at the end you can just clap your hands: after all, isn't it just a movie?
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