A Bug's Life (1998)
Great Fun, But Not Pixar's Best.
9 March 2007
Considering how early into the CGI revolution this movie was made, it's amazing how good this movie really is. The animation is quite well dome for its time, and was revolutionary in the CGI animation processes.

The story line is quite cute, simple enough for a child to follow, yet complex enough with subtext to entertain adults. The characters were developed well enough to allow them to endear themselves to the audience.

I can't say this is a wonderful movie, but the kiddies will like it, and if you're into children's entertainment, you probably will, too.

If you enjoy this work, you should watch James and the Giant Peach, a movie which was released 2 years prior, and is obviously the template for this one. It's also much better done. If you want a good ANT movie, check out Antz by DreamWorks. As usual, I'm in the minority...I liked it better.

It rates a 6.8/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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