12 Angry Men (1957)
A masterpiece of stylized realism
28 February 2007
It has been said over and over again that it is a classic and I have no doubt about it. Movie grips you from the very moment when one of the jurors disagrees with all others. 11 out of 12 are convinced that the poor fellow guilty but one has a reasonable doubt and here starts a drama full of turns, conflicts (ethical, personal and logical). He starts with nothing but sharing his thought over the issue and needs to discuss a little further and what happens next is intense, compelling and above all logical. One thing which strikes me most is the level of responsibility when everyone else has different thought. It is a best example of how to raise you in the time of tension.

Everything I mean everything in the movie is perfect, dialogs, direction, script and above all acting.

A must watch for all.

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