Review of Pelts

Masters of Horror: Pelts (2006)
Season 2, Episode 6
Very gory, erotic and beautifully looking flick from Argento
27 February 2007
Once again combining eroticism with buckets of blood and guts, Italian maestro Dario Argento makes another memorable entry in the wildly uneven Masters of Horror series. The story is slim this time around and it's not as thought provoking as Jenifer but it's got a point and it slams it in your face.

Supernatural forces allow animals (racoons to be precise) to take revenge on their killers and those who profit with their slaughter. When their fur is handled in any way the people begin to either kill others like them or begin self mutilation in explicitly graphic ways.

Argento says it's a story about greed and where it leads and that's another way of looking at Pelts. But however you look at it, Pelts at least sets the motion for some incredibly horrific and gory set pieces and who better than Argento to be at the helm. Some truly disgusting scenes of violence, murder and self mutilation are displayed and for gore fans it doesn't get much better than this.

Another thing Argento doesn't skimp on is the visual aspect. Bathing the film in strong and glorious colors and some beautiful set design, Argento still has the visual sense down to a tee.

Pelts is also very well acted, with Meat Loaf in top form and genre legend John Saxon makes a welcome return in an Argento film. Pelts may not require much brain power but just sit back and enjoy a gore filled, gloriously looking ride from a true master in bloody good form.
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