Grey's Anatomy: Some Kind of Miracle (2007)
Season 3, Episode 17
What was that shark I just sailed over? Ugh.
24 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say I liked nothing about all three episodes, but there was a lot not to like.

The main drag here is that I spent most of ep2 and all of ep3 being constantly reminded I was watching a show here and how clever it all was. To answer the above comment: No. Not for a minute did I believe they were actually killing off the star. She was lying dead but they still used her for the voice-over. Dozens of times in previous episodes over the three years they 'called it' on some dead person, and everybody walked away in grief, and that was that. Here they went three heroic efforts too many and you knew it was going to work anyway. I want at least SOME try at disbelief suspension when I watch TV, SOME chance to get into the story. Not this.

According to all the char dev up to now, McD should have punched McS's hand off his shoulder. Nope. Up to now, Addy would have looked McS off in disgust, not challenged him to a duel or believed that would make any difference or thought she might get back with him. Nope. (Spinoff? Ugh.) M's ongoing tension with her mother, thrown away for some cheap thrill at the edge of the river styx. You are led to believe M is saving herself with her unconscious or whatever, but you are also led to believe heroic measures from the living are doing it. Which is it, and don't say both cause it's just too unbelievable they worked at the same time. Even the Drew Carrey dead episodes were more realistic than this.
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