Scaredy Cat (1948)
Should Have Been Much Funnier
21 February 2007
Porky and Sylvester are checking out their new home, which looks like "The Munsters" mansion or "The Addams Family" house. Sylvester is scared stiff, right from the start entering the spooky house. Porky is just happy to have a house - the only one his real estate agent had to offer. Sylvester won't let go of Porky, literally.

The cartoon didn't live up to its premise and wasn't really that funny. Poor Sylvester is unfairly accused of a few things until the end, so it was a bit frustrating more than funny to watch. Justice did prevail, although the ending also was weak.

Let's be honest: it wasn't one of the Looney Tunes' better efforts.
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