A Big (And Welcome) Departure For The Toe Tag Crew...
13 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
THE REDSIN TOWER is the much-anticipated follow up to director Fred Vogel's previous faux-snuff outings, AUGUST UNDERGROUND and AUGUST UNDERGROUND'S MORDUM. Those with an ear to the ground of "extreme" horror-films have already seen, own, or at least heard of the AU films, and they've achieved a bit of a cult status since their releases a few years ago. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the AU films - the FX are great but there was too much annoying filler in both films. As the Toe Tag crew have made clear since the announcement of the REDSIN TOWER project, this would be their first "traditional" film with a full plot, "serious" acting, actual cinematography - the works. Hearing this, I was both anxious and skeptical of how the final result would turn out.

Kim has broken up with Mitch, and Mitch isn't taking the news too well. Kim is invited to a party by her girl-friend Becky, and the two stop off at a friend's house to meet up beforehand. Here we meet stoners Philly and Emily, and the dynamic-jock-duo, Steve and Carl. Mitch finds out that the ex is rollin' to the party, so he calls the cops and has it busted. With no where to hang out for the evening, Emily throws out the idea to head up to the Redsin Tower, the local town haunted-spot. The group agrees and their on their way. Mitch runs into Emily at a convenience store, and when he starts puttin' his hands on her, Steve and Carl jump in a beats the sh!t out of him - this just ain't poor Mitch's day. Back on the road to the tower, the group of partiers finally make it to their destination and start drinkin', smokin', and screwin' around. Things seem to be going pretty smoothly - until the curse of the tower begins plaguing the party-goers, and Mitch arrives with the intention of retrieving Emily, by any means necessary...

I gotta be honest - I dug THE REDSIN TOWER quite a bit. I figured it would either be decent, or fall really flat - and luckily Vogel and crew were able to show that they could do more than just shot-on-camcorder no-plot gore. Not that there's anything wrong with those types of films, I just think it was cool to see Toe Tag try something a bit riskier and different, and to be able to pull it off well. Fans that are expecting a twisted AU style bloodbath may be disappointed. Though the blood flows liberally in THE REDSIN TOWER, it mainly gets gory in the last half-hour and isn't as depraved as the stuff on display in the AU films. The Toe Tag crew have opted for a more straight-forward mix of supernatural and slasher horror for this entry, and it works for 'em. Kind of reminiscent of a gorier EVIL DEAD with slasher elements thrown in - I'm pretty sure that this one will be a success for the Toe Tag crew, and I'm anxious to see what their future endeavors bring...8/10
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