The Luck of the Irish (2001 TV Movie)
17 February 2007
This movie was almost painful for me to watch, and I have a pretty strong tolerance for bad movies (I own a copy of "The Beast of Yucca Flats" on DVD). Aside from accents that almost made my ears bleed, an absurdly stupid plot, and a villain so clichéd he makes Snidely Whiplash look like a complex character, this film has a healthy dose of nauseating pablum. Furthermore, anyone who claims that "The Quiet Man" reflects unfair stereotypes about the Irish will completely change his mind if he sees this moronic mess of leprechauns, gold, third-rate "oirish" accents, really awful step-dancing, and other assorted nonsense.

This being said, I can't give this movie a score too low. The plot, however stupid, is at least logically coherent, the production values are decent, and there doesn't seem to be any great level of technical incompetence here. I suppose I should give the Disney Channel credit for even attempting to do something like this, results notwithstanding.
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