What in God's creation o' crow sh*te....?
12 February 2007
I did not seriously believe this would, nor could come to any good. I was right. You cannot seriously think this to be comic genius, surely! Many say 'Ooh, it's right up there with The Office', but that was utter rubbish as well. It's incomprehendable how people can stand comedy made to look like fly-on-the-wall, real-life sound bite, documentary-style reality. On top of that, this particular take on the ever-weakening comedy barrel (too much scraping at the bottom, you see) is based around a fictitious 1980's TV show so purposefully badly made that after five minutes, it just becomes an embarrassment, for all the reasons it doesn't intend to be. Fine, have a spoof, poorly put together, horror/comedy, outlining how poorly funded such television is and having a good laugh in the meantime, but, for the love of Buddha, do not keep inter-cutting it with atrociously acted sound bites from cast and producer telling us tongue-in-cheek how marvellous they thought it was and is. In one respect it is identical to The Office - and any other jape that should only really be told once. I get the joke, it's just not funny.
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