PH Spoke to Me
10 February 2007
It's a rare event when something speaks to me quite like Purgatory House (PH) did.

When I heard about PH about 3 years ago, I knew it was a film I had to see. I tried to get the local film festival to pick it up, but they didn't. :-( When this film finally came in the mail, I watched it. Then watched it again. What a masterpiece! I clapped and silently cheered for a long time (it was 3:00 AM when I finished watching).

Being fair, it is not as polished as a 100 million dollar Hollywood block buster (I never expected it to be), for an independent film, it's really well done.

Back to more important stuff:

PH is a film that is an honest portrait of one teens out look on life that struck incredibly close to home.

Being borderline suicidal, for most of my life, I can relate to wanting to OD on drugs, or running in front of moving vehicles to end it all. I've never 'Fit In'. Life, to me, has not worth been living. Death never scares me any more (it would be a relief), the thought of having to continue day, after day, after day, after day does. It's the scary thought that when I die I could remain ME!

Steven Curtis Chapman asked "Where is the hope?" From what the film and special features show and say: Ms. Davis and Ms. Baer found theirs.

Paul Simon in the 'Sounds of Silence' talked about people who 'talk with out speaking', and 'hearing without listening'. Are we paying attention to the Ms. Davis' message?

As the movie asks: "Can you see me?"
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