Review of Nature Morte

Nature Morte (2006)
Dark, chilling and erotic - a modern Dorian Gray
6 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this a London preview and I was really impressed. What I thought initially was going to be murder romp had me gripped as an intriguing story unfolded. It kept me guessing and there's a supernatural twist to it that I was not expecting. It is so refreshing to find a such strong storyline, all too often films rely on blood and shocks alone.

I found it reminiscent of Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray", the link to the portrait that holds sway over the personality of the killer. This took me a while to pick up on but it is the clever twist the tale. There is also a very haunting dream sequence that rather reminded me of Corman's "Masque of the Red Death", good company to be in.

The film is very atmospheric, madly decadent, stylish and erotic. Everyone seems just so damned cool! There is a brooding darkness that pervades the movie and the score is very "Twin Peaks" - absolutely right for this genre.

The first victim, Livia, is so convincing, her screams are as utterly blood curdling as her demise is disturbing. Artist Lec is one of the best screen psychos I have ever seen, there is something just so eerie about him - and his dance, well you just have to see it.

You really should check this one out when you get a chance.
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