Please, don't waste your time with this one!!!! You've been warned!
1 February 2007
I should say first that I could only bear to watch the first 15 minutes of this "movie?!". It consists of a mix of idiot jokes and situations, most of them, if not all, stolen from other movies. Oh yes, and the worst part are the the romanian "actors"!!! Total lack of talent there. I'm not the only one to say there's nothing original or intelligent in this one, but then again I'm sure that's exactly why a lot of romanian "citizens"(especially those living in Bucharest) will enjoy it! One of my friends who made it through the entire 100 minutes of this rubbish said it was a real torture. I'm going to end it here saying this movie is yet another reason why I'm not proud of being romanian. Long live Romania!?
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