the real thing, sadly
4 February 2007
well, when you see the name 'Korda' in the credits, best take a look. the family has a long history of 'no-bunk'---the tradition continues. most no-brain-dead people know this was an Illegal war, in clear violation of The Geneva Convention---and just one more example of President Eisenhower's parting words---'Beware the military-industrial complex.' i was not in favor of this war, but neither an active protester, rather had my hands full as a hippy san francisco mailman carrying fortunes in welfare/social-security checks---with a 'dog-sprayer'---ya want danger? that was enough for me. but if you want Real depiction of 'The Nam'? this is it, not Platoon.

i've many friends who were in that mess---many shattered---many liked it. of course the dead ones? who knows? one survivor, in particular, explained why he took 3 tours---'Americans just like to fight.' seems the way things are. unfortunate---but if you truly want truths of that deal---this is the only depiction that reveals all the crazed reasons any half-sane person would have participated in another global American blood-fest---no Hollywood bs---simple truthful reportage---grisly, dirty low-down---the best you'll ever see---
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