Smokin' Aces (2006)
Solid plot, good action, intriguing characters and sequences
2 February 2007
This familiar plot is carried off very nicely and neatly in its presentation in this movie. Although slightly contrived, the story line shows realism and creativity. All of the actors and gorgeous actresses were convincing in their respective roles, and sold the story 100%.

There were several features that made this a very entertaining movie, besides the plot, surprises, and twists. One of these features was the ability of each group of assassins to distinguish themselves convincingly as strong characters. Each characterization of an assassin showed his or her intensity and focus, both as plotting, fiendish and convincing, in addition to being the action characters they are hired as. Imagine, for example, these demented hillbillies being completely and psychotically irrational, and yet being so skillful and dedicated to the purpose of killing in a most brutal way. Then, the two incredibly attractive girls being incredibly skillful and mercenary like in their abilities as assassins. Along with the other assassins, the sequences involving them were top notch.

Also top notch were the FBI agents, trying to protect their number one witness against this incredible deluge and onslaught of highly skilled professional killers. In the story line, the FBI's approach, and usage of their personnel, was very believable. Their delivery in working with the story left no doubt that they performed up to the task at hand, and as well as any team could have under the extreme circumstances they were faced with.

It is recommended to anyone who wants to see this film that they pay very close attention throughout, so as not to lose the plot. In doing so, they will be very entertained, and satisfied with the conclusion of the story, and satisfied that each of the characters ended suitably for the roles they were given. For it's type, a very entertaining movie, worthy of being compared to Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, and Snatch.
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