The Big Valley: Court Martial (1967)
Season 2, Episode 24
Favorite Episode
1 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably my favorite episode of The Big Valley. The way I remember it however, is that it opens with Jarrod bringing the General to the ranch for a visit, and the General comments how he will miss not seeing Nick, as Nick was his second-in-command. After they arrive at the ranch, this band of confederates takes the family hostage - Jarrod, Victoria and Audra are the only ones at home, as Nick and Heath are on a cattle-drive. However, they arrive home unexpectedly, and walk right into the entire mess. Nick is thrilled to see his former commanding officer, and totally dismisses the men's claims that the General was responsible for the massacre. They hold a "trial" and find both the General and Nick responsible and sentence them to hang.

The General being the coward he is, finally admits to being guilty and confesses to everything. Nick is horrified, as he really did not know. This is when you find out that the men are not really mercenaries and that Jarrod had been in on it from the very beginning. It was all a ruse to smoke out the General to get him to confess and it worked quite successfully. What they hadn't counted on was Nick and Heath returning home. Nick was understandingly upset and punched out his brother, but as was always the case with Nick and his temper, he got over it and apologized to Jarrod and all was well.

I have always thought this episode was done exceedingly well, and I never really considered if it was based on a true event. However, I am sure that during the civil war, probably several instances like this took place. I highly recommend this episode to anyone who is a fan of the Big Valley. It should not be missed.
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