Epic Movie (2007)
Bad film. Bad Film. Danger! Will Robinson. Danger!
31 January 2007
Why is it that year after year Hollywood puts out a flood of really cheesy movies disguised as fun spoofs? They are really bad films and to think that this one even got made...

Prime example "Epic Movie" I only found two gags funny and the film sucked, really badly.

I'd put the Scary Movie series in here too except for the very first one which I did find funny but after that they just got worse and worse.... Though the final one was kind of alright because they sent up Tom Cruise and WOTW, but that didn't redeem it by much.

And in the same light I put "Epic Movie" because it was a waste of both money and time. Which I can't ever get back.

Avoid this film at all costs.

It'll be in the $5 DVD bin before too long
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