A great spoof of the 1940's serials
29 January 2007
I wasn't expecting much when I started to view Monarch of the Moon, I am a fan of the classic serials of the 1940's & 1950's so I thought I'd give it a try.

I mean how good could it be for a low budget film? ...as it turns out very good indeed. True it had a low budget ($75,000), but the acting, writing, and even the effects added up to a great film.

Our hero Cal (AKA The Yellowjacket), an army fighter pilot who, while captured and tested on by the Nazis, gained the super power to communicate with yellow jackets. A power that the government now uses on secret missions. Cal along with his team (the scientist, an air head of a secretary, his alcoholic pilot buddy, and the boy scout) must stop the axis powers from destroying America. Oh yes, the axis powers have forged an alliance with The Monarch of the Moon, who supplies them with advanced technology.

I'd have to say that my favorite character was Cal's arch-nemesis: The Dragonfly. As with all Asian bad guys that appeared in the old serials she is played by a caucasian actress, Kimberly Page, who nails the character. Very exotic and very evil. The included commentary track tells how the director wanted her to play the character straight, no humor at all, while the other actors play very over-the-top. This combination works very well, and The Dragonfly comes out as the most remembered character.

The DVD set includes the original version of the film, along with a black & white version (for us purists out there), and a commentary track. The 2nd DVD is the teams first film "Destination Mars!".
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