Holly Hunter Jumps the Shark!
28 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Saw this on FX, and as one of the posters put it, this was painful. Not just painful, but squirm-in-your-seat painful! The "payoff" is the kind of cruelty usually reserved for snuff films!

The whole Carly Simon/Diane Sawyer bit was more painful. What's with this weird obsession with Working Girl, which should never be confused with Broadcast News. Holly Hunter must be wondering how she got from that to this!

As far as the "plot": who keeps pictures of his exes on his Palm (and shares "joint custody" of his dog with one of them), and what does that say about his commitment to his current squeeze?

By the way, what qualifies Derek as an NHL scout? Because he has a hockey stick in his apartment? Well, I happen to own the first stick Wayne Gretzky used as a pro, which - according to this stinker - qualifies me to be Commissioner! Shouldn't he actually have played hockey? And be a Canadian, eh? But, I digress.
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