The most underrated Trek movie
27 January 2007
While most fans and non trekkies regard ST:II as the best Star Trek film, Nicholas Meyer's second Trek outing definitely challenges his debut. Essentially, it's a political thriller set in space, mirroring the events in Russia and Eastern Europe in the late '80s.

Following an explosion on of their moons (hello Chernobyl), the Klingons decide to begin peace negotiations with the Federation in an effort to save themselves. The Enterprise is sent out to meet with the Klingon chancellor but the crew, including Scotty and especially Kirk find it hard to accept the Klingons as their new friends. Things go from bad to worse when the chancellor is assassinated and the Enterprise is blamed and faces a race against time to find the truth.

Meyer's direction is a welcome change after William Shatner's attempts in ST:V. He returns to the militaristic style established in ST:II and works in the ageing of the crew, rather than have it become embarrassing. Some fans dislike this film because the plot seems to complicated and it's not as action or humour filled as previous instalments but its a great send off for the TOS cast. The only regret I think is that Meyer was not allowed some of his original ideas, notably a return of Saavik and references to Kirk's old flame Carol Marcus. But these fail to spoil a great movie.
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