Review of Dead Rising

Dead Rising (2006 Video Game)
This is a very great game.
26 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I mainly wrote this to concur on what the person that hated this game. First of all to make sure that you are buying a game that you will enjoy you read every review you can. If you really didn't know this game had multi player and you bought it because you thought the game had it. Well it sucks to be you. Or if you read every review you could and still bought it even though those reviews told you again and again that there was no multi player and you were arrogant enough to buy it. WOW you are dumb. Im not saying that guy didn't know or read any thing to confirm it. But any ways your really supposed to make sure that it, or anything that you wanted to know about said game is true by reading any good trustworthy gaming site for its opinion.

I was very psyched for this game as for every person that loves the zombie genre. I mainly got my 360 for dead rising and of course halo 3. But if you were mad just because there was no multi player. You have some issues. For those blind of no multi player be ashamed very ashamed. This is a great game. Comon a whole mall full of zombies for your killing.

About that guy i mentioned if you die in the game. Pay close attention. He didn't when you die its almost like a trick question. But after you save and you go right ahead and click quit. Well good luck getting back where you were. But on the other hand some people do this as a somewhat good strategy. But most times if you really don't want to start the game again. Pay attention. And for the guy that got blown to bits by the convicts. Well seriously who would run out in the middle of zombies and very dangerous convicts with some heavy artillery. Don't go in the middle of the mall. Unless you have some spare submachine guns or shotguns. Well if he was a beginner in this game. I might feel little sympathy.But if he complains about this or in any game for general he is no gamer at all. If you wine thought every hard game you come across without any thought of beating said game you shouldn't even bother playing video games at all.

If your not a sissy and you like zombies. Buy this game.
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