25 January 2007
Okay, I seriously HATED reality TV. To me it was a sign of all that is wrong with the entertainment industry. And then I watched Armed & Famous. I mean, totally by accident, too. I was flipping around... and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I mean, celebutards who weren't picking on the autistic or operating under the influence... or making others cry? How the heck did CBS let this get on the air? Seriously, you have celebrities acting like real human beings and doing something halfway noble. And what fun to see a small town like that react to the celebrity onslaught. It's funny. It's heartwarming. Again, gotta ask, how did the mean spirited TV execs let this one slip by? I am shocked at the real strength shown by LaToya. I love her partner. She's the greatest - so real. Jack Osbourne actually could be a cop. Wee Man (and I can't tell you how much I HATE the Jackass movies) is lovable and Ponch redeems himself as something real. I don't know much about Trish. She's hot, I guess, and the guys must like that. But then, LaToya looks good too. Never has a police uniform fit like hers. Wow.

But, mostly, I'm so glad to see one network had the soul to allow something other than mean spirited television to prevail. Thank you CBS!!!!!
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