Review of John Doe

Prison Break: John Doe (2007)
Season 2, Episode 14
Interesting but not exciting enough
23 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
It has been a while since Prison Break went on hiatus. So long in fact that I have no idea where we left off, so let's all recap together, Sarah is in the wind. Sucre got away. C-Note has gone mad and gotten his wife, Kacee arrested. T-Bag has gone madder and is tracking down his would-be victim from the past. Bellick is in jail. Linc & Michael have been saved by Kellerman and Mahone has been shot. OK good.

Tonight begins the reconstruction of the original plan that Michael had started. Kellerman is able to convince the brothers that he has flipped and is working against President Reynolds. There is no question about that when Kellerman kills two agents who were guarding Terrence Steadman. Now he and the duo of escapees shack up in a motel with Kellerman and wait it out. That becomes a bigger problem then we would think.

Michael begins to stress about being so close to releasing the truth to the world and makes that ever so important decision to turn himself in to the news papers. But Steadman is able to snatch a gun and takes the selfish way out, all over the pretty painting. He is now just a John Doe and it is one of the final nails in the coffin for the escaped cons because Steadman being alive is of course the one thing that could prove Linc didn't kill him. Confused? Good! So good luck getting out of this one guys. Anyways a long way away we have T-Bag re-acquainting himself with Susan Hollander and her family. Lets hope family antics don't turn this show into a comedy because the fact that getting the $5 Million was the first thing on his list of to-do's before getting even with Susan seems a little odd to me. If you're a crazy who has a bizarre vendetta then why are plotting to steal bundles of cash first? But that's not the only storyline gone arouse. C-Note does not have a leg to stand on. He was able to get his wife and kid away from the police scramble that he put his homies through but now there is know where to go and the kid is asking why her mother was picked up by the cops. Nice hole you're in bud.

Its nice to have the show back. I got hooked on 24 this season and now I'm in that mode where every episode should be an hour of the whole season. But that's OK because Prison Break does move quickly. One of my problems though, is that almost every commercial break has a cliffhanger that is more than likely a gun being pointed at someone. I think that we need a little more resolution so we can really care about the other situations going on. But they are still doing a good job.

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