Babylon 5: Z'ha'dum (1996)
Season 3, Episode 22
An explosive end to Season Three!
23 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unless you are dead, this is a "must-see" episode of BABYLON 5. Yes, after an entire year of great episodes leading up to an ultimate showdown with the Shadow forces, it's finally here. But HOW all this occurs is definitely super-unusual and impossible to have predicted--and I appreciate this very much. First, Sheridan's dead wife returns! Yep, despite being told she perished on Z'Ha'Dum, she arrives on a shuttle very much alive! Plus, she seems convinced that the Shadows are NOT evil and all that Sheridan and the rest have come to believe is all a lie created by the Vorlon! Despite it being pretty obvious that she is NOT the same woman he once loved, Sheridan feels called to the planet--even though Kosh warned him he would die if he did this! Once on the planet, he is cordially treated by some human agents of the Shadows and the Shadows themselves reveal themselves. But, Sheridan is not convinced to join and at this moment, ir appears that he is a dead man! However, how all this is resolved is AMAZING and I can't say more, lest I spoil the suspense. But, unless you are a member of Psi Corps, you will never guess what happens next--but rest ssured, it is really, really exciting and worth the wait!
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