Scrubs: My Lunch (2006)
Season 5, Episode 20
best episode
20 January 2007
this episode was the best ever, every time i watch it it just hits me harder and harder. dr. cox's performance is the best. this episode makes me want to go out and buy every season of scrubs there is. truly a great episode. even brings a tear to the eye. scrubs has become one of my favorite shows on t.v.. i also like how it starts out with THE TODD. it's hilarious how they bring him in and out through the whole show. this episode also shows how you can make a difference in someone's life. after this episode it really got me thinking of what kind of impact i have on people. everyone should start to think what kind of impact they have on other people's lives. this episode also has twist and turns throughout it. who else would of expected rabies? no one. it definitely caught me off guard.
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