Caged Women (1991)
Women in Prison flick
20 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
A late entry in the women-in-prison exploitation genre, Caged Women is the brainchild of Italian director Leandro Lucchetti, creator of such titles as Bloody Psycho and Apocalypse Mercenaries, so we know what we're getting here, folks, and there is no point in setting our expectations high unless we happen to belong to that small band of souls who get their kicks from woman-hating porn.

Former Miss Spanish Basque Country, Pilar Orive, stars as American Janet Cooper who arrives by boat at an unspecified South American country and immediately begins nibbling bananas in a suggestive manner. Dressed in a wholly appropriate little black number, Janet pays a visit to the seedy bar of her seedy hotel and is immediately hit on by a greasy local who later turns out to be a narcotics cop. Saved from his unwanted attentions by an American who (crucially, as it turns out) happens to be a helicopter technician, Miss Cooper dishes out the goodies to her knight in shining armour with such grace and expertise that she wins his undying love in the course of their one night stand. Which is a good thing for the hapless girl because the evil narc cop has planted drugs in her bag and the morning after her liaison with our hero has her drugged and shipped to a remote women's prison managed by a sleazy warden and a Nazi-type lesbian guard (Elena Wiedermann). Naturally, this prison is no enlightened centre for the rehabilitation of society's outcasts, and poor Janet, in a state of constant nudity, finds herself the subject of various sexual abuses.

Surprisingly, this film isn't all that bad. The acting is pretty crappy, especially from the lovely Miss Orive (and the actress who dubs her), and the storyline is strictly by-the-numbers porn designed to pander to one of men's less savoury fantasies, but it never really takes itself seriously. Good guys and bad, while drawn with broad strokes, occupy the furthest extremes of each spectrum, so that the bad guy's come-uppance is all the more enjoyable when it arrives. There's acres of female flesh throughout – Orive spends a good 90% of the movie naked, or nearly so – and you will never ever see a greater excuse than the one given in this movie for a couple of hot naked chicks to lick every inch of each other's bodies.

Unfortunately, at little more than an hour long, the British DVD has cut a lot of the action, so that UK viewers are left with a collection of scenes that at times seem to have been randomly cobbled together by a bunch of monkeys sitting at typewriters (or something); scenes are abruptly curtailed before they have barely started, and the movie doesn't make a lot of sense at times. So, if this is the sort of flick that floats your boat, seek out the French Region 2 90 minute version. There are no English subtitles but, buddy, you ain't going to care
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