30 Rock: The Head and the Hair (2007)
Season 1, Episode 11
The Head and the Hair is another pretty funny episode of 30 Rock
19 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Liz and Jenna are hot for two MSNBC employees that, because they don't know their names, are referred to as "The Head and the Hair", Jenna for "the Hair", Liz for...well, you know. Jack and Kenneth switch jobs for a day with Jack having to do such humiliating things like cleaning up Brian Williams' dressing room after a night out. Tracy enlists two of his writers to help write his autobiography. Liz goes to the MSNBC floor to attempt to find "the Head" but finds "the Hair" walking by who asks her for a date. She agrees but finds herself uncomfortable with the place he picks out and walks. He follows her to a convenience store where they connect somehow. The next day, Liz calls Pete to fake sickness in order to make another date with "the Hair" when Jack walks by who lets it slide. Then they go back to his apartment and get intimate before...If you haven't seen this one I won't ruin the surprise for you. The same goes with Kenneth and Tracy. Pretty hilarious, if not gut-bustingly so, episode. My favorite scene is when Joss treats Jack like dirt and Kenneth confirms that he wasn't too rough. Oh, and congratulations to Alec Baldwin for his Golden Globe win. Maybe that will pick the ratings up a bit. Don't miss the game show gag at the end!
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