Some decent stunts make up for the film's deficiencies
18 January 2007
Okay, I have got to admit that I think Wheeler and Woolsey were among the least funny comedy teams ever--and you might want to keep this in mind when reading the review. I've seen about eight of their films (since I'll watch almost ANY movie if it was made in the 1930s) and I keep waiting for them to be anything other than mediocre. Oh well, at least they were funnier than the Ritz Brothers and a few of their films were even funnier than some of Abbott and Costello's worst films.

The boys are professional rain makers called to a dusty town because the farmers will be ruined if they don't get some rain. I really liked the scene just after this where they are caught up in the tornado--it's underplayed well and the special effects are really good. However, once they make their way to the town that is featured in the film, things slow down considerably. There is a decent train chase sequence near the end (though in a serious continuity mistake, the one train that was only a few yards behind the other suddenly is a mile or two behind once Wheeler and Woolsey disembark). Not a bad film, but lacking magic and staying power.
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