Omnibus: All My Loving (1968)
Season 2, Episode 5
8 January 2007
I had the great misfortune to watch this so-called documentary today. I was born in 1953, so I grew up during the time that this doco purports to portray; I know about the 1960s because I lived through them. My question to Tony Palmer would be now, and would have been then, "What exactly is your point?". Are you seriously trying to draw a relationship between pop music in the late 1960s with Nazism and everything that repulsive doctrine represents? What exactly was your reasoning behind displaying images of self-immolating Buddhist monks and Viet Cong soldiers being executed and Japanese soldiers being napalmed to death, all to the soundtrack of Pink Floyd, Cream and the Beatles? What exactly do Nazi death camp scenes have to do with pop music? In my opinion, Tony Palmer appears to be as bitter and twisted as it seems possible to be. Could a person be so devoid of humanity to portray the world on the 1960s with such a jaundiced eye? What, in short, is the matter with him? After enduring this alleged documentary, I had no hesitation in deleting it from my collection.
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