Criminal Minds: Poison (2006)
Season 1, Episode 13
Grabs Your Attention With Unique Opening
12 January 2007
Now here is a different kind of opening to a crime show!

We see a man in his car with his (about) 12-year-old son driving down a wooded road and, all of sudden, he sees a deer in the road, swerves and just misses it. His wise-ass kid never saw any deer. Then, they get a flat tire. While out fixing it, the dad hears noises and see bogeymen-type figures after him. He swings his tire iron wildly. The end result is that almost killed his kid and the fact is, there was no one there. The guy had been poisoned with LSD and was hallucinating.

The BAU team gets called into this case in Beachwood, New Jersey, when its revealed this guy and others were poisoned by the drug. Eventually, they deduce the guy is the "avenger" type poisoner and look for someone with a profile (too lengthy to go into here) and realize this was just a "test run." That means a lot of people could get hurt or killed with a big dose of poison. Since the drug was laced with another that made people conveniently forget where they were, it's harder to track down how and where this problem began.

As viewers, we learn about people who poison and, as usual these "profiles" are interesting. This guy is especially worrisome because it looks like he had someone poison some candy (which is how the people got sick) and then he killed her!

However, there are twists and turns in the last 12 minutes - the bomber consistently deceiving the BAU even after they catch him - that make this an above-average episode, by far the best in the last month.
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