Bhagam Bhag (2006)
Not a Comedy of Errors............but an Error of Comedy.
11 January 2007
The very reason I had for seeing this movie is now questionable, I've said it many times before but Neeraj Vora is the bane of Indian Comedy and if I had known that he has written this movie I would have never seen it.

Anyway I'm sure his expiry date is near and sooner or later the Indian audiences will reject his brand of inspired humour, and hopefully unlike Indian Cricket, Priyadarshan to will be rested till he comes back with something original. Both of them have contributed nothing new to movies in the last 5 years and have instead relied on the narrow exposure of the Indian Audience to rehash every successful movie from anywhere in the world.

In this case the movie in question are ITS A MAD MAD MAD WORLD (1963) and would you believe it AJNABEE (which I'm told was inspired to) Haha much like his earlier movies that are a blend of English movies and a Hindi one (mainly Govinda's).

Still I had my doubts and had the good sense to see it in a single screen theater at cheaper rates.

This movie starts of promisingly enough with the original story and the identifiable concept of the Indian Troupe, which is always on the lookout for funds and the Big Foreign Break, the competition between the protagonists is hilarious.

Towards the second half of the movie the copy mode starts and then no movie is left sacred once again he rehash's the stories and even copies the last 10 minutes exactly from Its a mad mad...

Till the last 45 Min's or so of the movie you are laughing and smiling but its all down hill from there and your not really able to leave the movie with a good feeling.

Even the stalls (which really makes or breaks movies, who cares about me who's watched 100s of movies on DVD and in multiplexes), was bored and the laughter index was on a constant downfall.

Direction and technical aspects were not important although the film had a couple of good sets.

The acting was very good and predictably so, but Akshay, Paresh and Govinda (who seemed like a supporting actor after a while) have delivered similar performances in at least a dozen movies in fact of the lot Govinda gave the most different performance so you know how boring their performances are becoming.

Lara Dutta still cannot act she always looks like she is about to smile, RAJPAL YADAV HAS CROSSED THE LINE he has crossed Johny Lever in the annoyance department in less movies then Johny took to be annoying.

The songs were bad and you hardly felt like singing along with any of them (another low for priyadarshans films).

The Indian setting is once again sacrificed to extensive benefits doled out foreign countries so that they can promote tourism, and the fact that filmmakers feel that foreign locales are much better, and preferred by Indian Audiences.

Still the comic performance of this movie is unquestionable, there are scores of hilarious scenes and dialogues.

Some brilliant ones are Ladki Ki izzat, the bag exchange in the park, the stuffed car etc.

You are laughing quite often especially for the first 2 hours of the movie, but the downhill journey from there and the feeling that you've been had, and watched a sub-par movie purely based on the past credentials.

Overall despite the stellar performances and some good scenes this movie falls way short of expectations (this is govindas comeback film even).

A trip to the theater at multiplex rates will guarantee disappointment and so will buying the DVD, this movie is better watched at low matinée rates or better still in parts when it comes on TV.

-s pathetic script, bad supporting cast, bad songs, steep downhill journey at the end.

+/-s Govinda, Akshay and Paresh doing what they do best (seen to many times?....i think so),London setting (not London actually though).

+s bunch of hilarious scenes.

total (5/10 after factoring in expectations and on absolute scale, the fact that Neeraj Vohra wrote it has not been considered).
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