WWE Armageddon (2005 TV Special)
I didn't disapprove much of this PPV
11 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Now I seriously do not understand, Armageddon PPV's just seem so boring & also a let down. This year's Armageddon, almost all the superstars that I was rooting to win have lost.

FIRST MATCH- JBL W/ JILLIAN HALL VS. MATT HARDY Not bad this match was. Technically it was a bit of a brawl. JBL wins after a Clothesline From Hell. 4/10 SECOND MATCH- MNM W/ MELINA VS. SUPER CRAZY & PSICOSIS Okay tag team match, which of course the Tag Team Titles were supposed to be on the line, but it was not to be. MNM win after nailing a double team on Super Crazy called the Snapshot for the win. 4/10 THIRD MATCH- CHRIS BENOIT VS. BOOKER T W/ SHARMELL IN MATCH 4 OF THE BEST OF 7 SERIES FOR THE WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Finally a great match on the card, also this is probably the best match Benoit & Booker T pulled so far in the Series matches. Chris Benoit finally wins a point against Booker T after making him tap out to the Sharpshooter for the great hard win. 5/10 FOURTH MATCH- BOBBY LASHLEY VS. PAUL BURCHILL & WILLIAM REGAL IN A 1-2 HANDICAP MATCH Mostly just a squash, Bobby Lashley defeats both men after nailing the Dominator on Burchill for the win. 3/10 FIFTH MATCH- JUVENTUD VS. KID KASH FOR THE WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP I like Cruiserweight matches but this one did not reach my expectations. Kid Kash wins after Juventud missed a slam from the top rope, which led Kid Kash to nail the Dead Level for the win to become the new WWE Cruiserweight Champion. 3/10 SIXTH MATCH- BATISTA & REY MYSTERIO VS. KANE & BIG SHOW IN A CHAMPIONS VS. CHAMPIONS RAW VS. SMACKDOWN INTERPROMOTIONAL TAG TEAM MATCH Too slow & sloppy. To make it a good tag team match, it should of been a bit longer. Kane & Big Show win after Mysterio goes for the 619 on Kane only to be caught in mid-air with the Chokeslam for Kane & Big Show to get the win. 3/10 SEVENTH MATCH- RANDY ORTON W/ BOB ORTON VS. UNDERTAKER IN A HELL IN A CELL MATCH Good match, too bad Undertaker had to win as I was really rooting for Orton to win. Still it was a great HIAC match not the best of course. Both men were busted open in this dangerous match. At one point during the match, Orton cross-bodied Taker through a table but Taker broke out of the count. Later Orton tries to use the urn on Taker, but Taker nails gets the urn & slams it on Orton. Later Taker finishes Orton off with a Tombstone for the win. 6/10 This year's Armageddon PPV was a bit better than last year's but I still didn't like it very much. Why are Armageddon PPV's always like this boring.

Overall: I'll give it 5/10 & a D

PS: R.I.P Eddie Guerrero, you were an all-star entertainer
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