A Tad Dry, but That's Kevin!
10 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After watching all of Kevin's evenings i have to admit that the first one was funnier, but it was the 'best of'. However, that doesn't make his Toronto and London visits any less entertaining. I felt that he handled Toronto very well because he was giving jokes more appealing to Canadians. What the hell would Americans care about ragging on Tim Hortons. "Tim Hortons? All i know is StarBucks and Krispy Creme, who is this Tim?" Okay, i guess some Americans know about Timmy's, but not a lot. The London evening was a tad off. Mostly because of the culture difference between Americans and the British. Many jokes were made because of misinterpretations of British slang. Some parts may be a bit dry in comedy stylings, but that is just what Kevin brings to the screen and you have to appreciate his comedy stylings to enjoy his work. I thought he was freaking hilarious and i will watch his interviews until my eyes bleed because i seem to learn something new about him every time i watch. oh, and i wish i had a rubber shlong too, you are not alone Mews. :P
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