Classic who-done-it!
5 January 2007
Wonderful cast in the extreme, very good directing, fine soundtrack, exceptionally well done photography, well scripted, with some nice plot twists and turns. Again ... Classic all the way. Best part? The cast. Worst part? The continuity could have used some tweaking here and there. I mean, when you dash in out of a rain storm, well, you ought to be wet. Down side? None. Difficult to figure out? Well, not really. You can pretty much do that ten minutes into the movie. At least I did. But there are twists enough to keep you doubting. It takes both thought and perseverance. Keep track of who is where and who does what. The fun comes in when you realize that certain characters obviously find it, they think, as clear cut as you do. That is ... IF you do. And if you do ... Then you get to set back, relax and watch the cops try to figure it out while essentially being lead around by the hand by those ( like you ) who know. If you don't? Hey, hang in there. How close is it to being a real 10? If the girl's coat had been wet when she came in out of the rain? I'd have given it a 10. And thats just about as close it gets.
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