A wonderful film that means a lot to Armenian diaspora members
29 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
In this film, you will find a vibrant picture of todays Armenia. This small country that tries to find a place between Asia & Europe, still in a tough economic transition, strongly connected to the western world by its diaspora and the will & hope of all Armenians. This film is also a bridge between Marseille's Armenian community and Armenia. From l'Estaque, Montolivet, St Jerome etc..., Marseillais will recognize here the strong links that are still alive and activated each time Armenia needs help & support. Finally, "le voyage en Armenie"/"Armenia" is also about the relationship between a woman and her father which raises the interesting question of transmitting a memory, a culture through generation and what is the Armenian culture about : is-it language ? Cooking Manti or Lavash ? Or simply making the flame still alive and never forget the ones that where left behind (in the Syrian desert for example : ( ? More than a film...indeed.
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