Strangeheart (2003)
Rented from NetFlix, I think it was their only copy
28 December 2006
I don't want to say lower than 5, because I did I mean it was my choice to rent it so any lower might reflect negatively on me :-/ In any case, I liked it a lot more than my wife, there were a few totally ridiculous comments or situations such as the two new lovers talking about shitting on the chest ?? It makes no sense and it struck me as funny. The sheep stuff is funny briefly but they keep coming back to it.

Mostly I was annoyed about the poor sound control... I kept having to turn it up or down. :-( Also, I notice it is 2003, for some reason Netflix said 2005, maybe that is when someone made the poor decision to release on DVD? Finally, it took Netflix almost a week to get this DVD to me, normally it is like a day. They said they are sending from Texas where this was shot.. perhaps NetFlix only has one copy? If so congratulate them.

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