Worst sh!t of a movie ever !!!
26 December 2006
Don't waste your time downloading/buying this, how in the world did they get any1 to spend money on making this?? And those really annoying transitions and video effects, the use up all Adobe Premiers effects gallery every 4 minutes, this only to take you away from the bad acting and bad storyline.

I used 7 minutes to See the film only fast-forwarding !!!! watching paint dry would get an Oscar compared to this! BAD BAD BAD......

(1.time I ever bothered to write a comment, it was that bad :-)) _________________________________sorry for the following section, some rules they have for commenting.....

Well it seems to be too few words I have written to be able to inform the public, not a very good rule this that all comments has to be 10 line or more but not exceeding 1000 words. I mean the world already has enough BLOB-WARE eg. Office pack. It should be allowed not to spam when you need to make a point??
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