tense gorgeousness
18 December 2006
having studied gordon's work at the miro and moma nyc i can safely say that this piece is among the most rooted in the artists language. density and sparseness intertwine to create a tense verbiage that leaves the focus far outside of convenient folklore while consistently challenging modern appreciation of linear time and function. mogwai's oft derelict tone of mood transists, among other things, a harbored safe-house, nestled not so quietly in the forefront of the experience; guiding the participant in to the structured atmosphere of endangered learnings. practical and theoretic animalism lead our ill-struck hero through a plot that escapes both need and want while a simple breath tells life-long tales of desire, hope and understanding. thank god the sounds of movement are placed excruciatingly high in the mix. without the jarring judgement that is exacted through the audio, the audience would be jettison into a conformity of thought aligned to thoughtless charity. benevolent audacity provides a searing backbone for a film that arcs both the philosophy of time and the simplicity of humbled meditation.
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